Our Women’s Forum: A Hub for Healing and Growth
Vicky Marshall Vicky Marshall

Our Women’s Forum: A Hub for Healing and Growth

At The Dandelion Philosophy, our commitment lies in promoting gender equality by providing support to those who have endured gender-based violence and offering opportunities for skills training to empower women in shaping their futures. Recognising the importance of addressing these challenges proactively, we felt a deep responsibility to create a safe, nurturing, and empowering space for women. Welcome to The Dandelion Philosophy’s Women’s Forum. The Women’s Forum serves as a sanctuary where women can freely express themselves, build resilience, and learn together in a supportive community setting.

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Using Reflection as a Tool for Healing
Laura Veronica Granese Laura Veronica Granese

Using Reflection as a Tool for Healing

We use our thoughts to navigate through almost everything we do in our lives; they are our ideas, opinions, and beliefs about ourselves and the world around us. But how many of us actually take the time to give thought to our own thoughts? The Dandelion Philosophy recognises the power of reflection as a tool for healing past traumas and wounds that can have a significant and long-lasting effect on our physical, emotional, and psychological well-being. We incorporate reflection not only in our healing initiatives in the communities we serve, but we also ensure to practise it ourselves as Practitioners of Purpose™ so that through introspection, we are always learning and developing our work to empower others.

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Circles: A Modern Afrocentric Approach to Psychology
Nazeem Harvey Nazeem Harvey

Circles: A Modern Afrocentric Approach to Psychology

There’re multiple factors that differentiate black trauma from white trauma. The lingering effects of generations of slavery and segregation for black people in Africa and the United States have been carried forward throughout history leading to ongoing systematic discrimination. This unequal treatment impacts black and brown people's experience of trauma, their ability to process it, and their access to much-needed psychological support. It’s important to acknowledge that not all approaches to psychology need to look the same. The Dandelion Philosophy is building its own alternative Afrocentric approach to psychology. Our program, called “Circles”, reaffirms our brand, which seeks to honour and uplift people of colour who have experienced intergenerational trauma and psychological hardships.

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Healing Through Giving: A Story From Behind the Canvas
Ramon Agulhas Ramon Agulhas

Healing Through Giving: A Story From Behind the Canvas

This blog is dedicated to The Dandelion Philosophy‘s chief illustrator, Ramon Agulhas. Ramon is a core and invaluable member of The Dandelion Philosophy’s design team. In over one year with us, he has created countless illustrations, storyboards, and designs. Today, we would like to share his story about how he become a designer, defeated stigma and shame, and reignited his artistic expression. This is a powerful story of hope, bravery, courage, and resilience in a challenging world.

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Understanding Change: A Story of How it All Started
Nazeem Harvey Nazeem Harvey

Understanding Change: A Story of How it All Started

“Things will always happen to us and sometimes happen for us. Either way, change is inevitable. But it is in embracing the change that we find ourselves, each other, and the healing we all need.” - Our founder, Nazeem Harvey, formed The Dandelion Philosophy after experiencing an emotional, yet eye-opening, trip to India in 2019, and volunteering to feed members from a desolate, disregarded community in South Africa during the Covid-19 pandemic. His travels profoundly affected his conceptualisation of life and death, and ultimately led to the formation of The Dandelion Philosophy.

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The Dandelion Philosophy
Nazeem Harvey Nazeem Harvey

The Dandelion Philosophy

There’s a reason it always starts in a garden. And so that’s where our philosophy begins. In a garden. With a single seed. Just one humble dandelion seed. Seemingly insignificant, yet filled with potential, hope, and healing she isn’t even aware exists. Buried beneath the surface, small and inconspicuous, she waits patiently in silence. Something is changing, but what? She senses it. But she doesn’t know what the change will be.

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